5 Best and easiest ways to make money from blog

5 Best and easiest ways to make money from blog
Making money from our blogs is an important goal for alot of bloggers, but most of us invested alot of time and may so money too, but usually we disappoint with the results. and always ask, What is the best way to make money from our blogs, And what we all should know is that the answer is not the same for every single person and blog.

But we can try to list the best and easiest ways to make money, at this article, i’ll just list it, but latter in my next articles, i’ll talk about the ways in more detailed tutorials. and here is the 5 ways,

1. Advertising Programs
This is one of the most used ways to make money because it’s too easy to add it to your blog, and the most famous advertising Program is Google Adsense. this programs is easy because you don’t have to do any thing but adding the program code to your blog, and then work on placement and traffic.
Other Advertising Programs
- Chitika
- Adbrite

2. Affiliate Marketing
This programs is working in many ways,they provide you a banner that you can place on your blog, so your visitors can visit it, and your can earn if your visitors sign up for a website or Buy something for example , this programs give you a commission from 5% Up to 75% per lead.

Affiliate Marketing companies
- Commission Junction
- LinkShare
- Click Bank

3. Place a Donation Link or Button on Your Blog
and this way depends on your blog visitors, and how your blog useful for the visitors, it won’t make you get alot of money but it may help you getting few dollars,

4. Sell Products On your blog.
You can sell related products on your blog if you have got good amount of traffic, and this way is great when your concentrate on one niche. you can sell e-books, soft wares, download able products, and more, you may sell your own products or other people products.

5. Sell Advertising Space On Your Blog.
This is a great way for making money and guaranteed way, because it’s easy and one step way, just try to sell your spaces and relax for next 30 days. You may Use to have a good chance to sell your spaces like: BuySellAds.com

Most Needed Blog Tools For Bloggers

• Pingoat – pinging service
• Pingomatic – another pinging service
• AudioBlogger – audio post to your blog via phone
• BlogRolling – a service to manage your blog roll
• Creative Commons – copyright protections service
• Feedburner – RSS tool that adds a variety of features to your blog’s RSS feed
• Picasa – find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC
• Flickr – Store and share your images – good way of hosting images if you don’t have a stand alone blog on your own domain.
• Flock – A browser that enables sharing and blogging from within it
• Copyscape – allows you to track down other sites that are stealing your content
• TalkDigger – ‘find, follow and join conversations evolving on the Internet.’
• Blog Flux – Stats, Pinging and Directory
• Backpack It – A place to organise your to do lists, notes, files, reminders and more – all online
• Basecamp – Like Backpack it (same people behind it) but great for collaboration on projects.
• Ice Rocket – Blog Search
• coComment – Keep track of the comments you leave on different blogs in a central place
• co.mments – Similar name to coComment but not to be confused with it – a way of bookmarking and following comment threads via RSS
• Gabbly – Add live chat to our blog posts (like real time comments combined with IRC)
• Del.icio.us – Social Bookmarking site – good for sourcing stories but also great if you get linked to on it to get traffic
• Digg – Another major Social Bookmarking site
• Only Wire – a bookmarklet that submits posts to multiple social bookmarking sites at once
• Odeo – a tool for recording and sharing audio/podcasting
• TagCloud – produces Tag Clouds for your blog from RSS feeds
• Indie Karma – a micropayment system for bloggers
• Tiny URL – Turns long URLs into tiny manageable ones
• Swicki – a new type of search engine that harnesses the power of a web community – sort of like a search engine and wiki combined
Filmloop – photo sharing
• Stock.xchng – Free Stock Photos
• Favicon Maker – allows you to make a favicon from a photo
• YouTube – a tool for putting video on your blog
• blip.tv – another video uploading tool

Do you know of other great blog tools? Feel free to share them in comments below.

Make Your Blog Popular

Filed Under General, Internet Marketing, SEO, Social Bookmarking, Traffic Building

The whole point of having a blog is to get traffic to it, and as difficult as this may seem, your best option is to work at it. The World Wide Web can be likened to a bottomless pit of information, with an endless flurry of users trawling it, day in and day out.  To get these users to consider your corner of the web, by which I mean to drive more traffic to your blog, there are a number of things that need to be done, things that cannot be avoided and have to be done with a generous dose of passion.

It is heartbreaking to see the number of blogs out there that have excellent content but can’t seem to succeed. They have rotten rankings and fail miserably. Don’t let same fate plague your blog, kick back and crack the Technorati 1000 by getting your house in order.

  1. Make Your Blog Successful Or Die Trying: First thing to remember is to never give up, to keep on trucking, or rather writing, and remember that if the content is crap, no marketing effort will make it a success. No one starts a blog just for the hell of it, ensue that you have something to say. More publicity, promotion and, consequently, traffic will come your way, but only if the content is truly great. If you cannot write, get a writer to do it for you. There are loads for freelance sites online, where a blogger will write for you at a small cost.
  2. Be An Expert: You know the old saying jack of all trades, master of none, become the master of your subject matter.expert Read and learn; write with intelligence and knowledge about your subject; with experience, your reputation will grow and people will seek you out. This will attract more comments in your blog, which can help you get cross promoted; always respond to your comments too, it is vitally important.
  3. Be A Better Publisher: feedburnerPublish full feeds particularly on controversial matters, this gets the attention of content scrapers which re-post your content and creates traffic. Use Feedburner too as this will allow you to find out how many people are subscribing to a particular feed.
  4. First Impressions Always Count: Do you remember your mother telling you this? Well she was right and design matters. Set yourself apart from every other blogger with your design and be serious about it. If you cannot afford a professionally developed blog, then learn about photoeditors and CSS. You can also tweak your Wordpress theme, your blog, when done, has to scream out loud to people, READ ME AND LEAVE COMMENTS. A professional theme will get more readers to your blog.
  5. Get Up-To-Date With SEO:seo Find out what makes it tick and what will make your blog tick too. Your blog needs to be tricked out with unique title tags, and keyword rich headlines to enjoy complete SEO wellness.
  6. Be A Good Host: Host contests, polls and other interactive features to encourage even more participation in your blog. Make them fun or funny, controversial or challenging, but keep your readers interested. Your little corner of the blogging happy-hunting-ground needs to buzz with a life of its own. Make your blog successful, it will pay dividends.
Get your blog in order using these six tips, then set about promoting it using the prevalent internet marketing methods like social bookmarking and other means of social media,  and you’ll find your blog flooded with traffic in no time.
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